Action Paintings, 1988-1991

Action Painting #6, Self Portrait, 1990

69 x 34 x 2 inches, oil paint on modeling paste, lacquer on white oak, bog oak, holly and rosewood veneer. Collection of the artist.

Photo Study for Action Painting #6, Self Portrait, 1990 

Action Painting #1, 1988

68 x 83 x 4.5 inches, oil paint on modeling paste, Duco enamel on canvas, lacquer on walnut, cherry, birch, holly and bog oak wood veneer. Collection of Nielsen and Associates Realty, Roseville, MN.

Action Painting #2, Painting out the Window, 1988

72 x 26 x 2.5 inches, oil paint on modeling paste, lacquer on birch, elm burl walnut, holly and rosewood veneer. Private collection.

Action Painting #5, Door, 1988

65 x 26 x 1.5 inches, oil paint on modeling paste, lacquer on cherry, olive ash burl, white oak burl and bird's eye maple veneer. Collection of JMB Reality, Chicago, IL.

Raven, 1988

44 x 36 x 2 inches, oil paint on modeling paste, lacquer on walnut teak rosewood veneer. Collection of Piper Jaffrey and Hopwood, Minneapolis, MN.

Cage, 1988

Oil paint on modeling paste, lacquer on English brown oak, white oak, walnut, tigerwood and cherry wood veneer. Private collection.